
Purdue  2024.1 - 2025.12

NEU(CN) 2022.9 - 2023.12

Hi👋 I am a junior undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at the College of Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette.

My resume is available here.

I led a project titled “Video Prediction through Physical Laws” under the guidance of Ph.D. candidate Max and Assistant Professor Yexiang Xue during the summer 2024. Existing models for prediction often need large datasets and struggle with complex motions, especially with limited data. We present a framework for predicting object motion by leveraging known physical laws to reduce the reliance on large datasets and enhances the model’s ability to predict complex and abrupt motions.

I joined the Vertically Integrated Program from January 2024 to May 2024, where I worked with the Purdue Aerial Robotics Team under the IEEE chapter’s PART committee. Our focus was on developing autonomous UAV platforms incorporating computer vision and machine learning applications.

Before transferring to Purdue University, I studied Communication Engineering at Northeastern University (China) for one year and a half. There, I had the honor of serving as a Teaching Assistant for the Network Fundamentals course under the guidance of Dr. Peng Han in Fall 2023.

🌱 So far, I have attempted some interesting personal projects, such as:

  • EchoGen: Iterative Optimization System for LLM - Optimizing LLM generation results through iterative feedback.
  • SmartGA: Using LLM to guide the direction of the evolution of the Genetic Algorithm.
  • ArtTune: Fine-tuning the CLIP model on a custom dataset of sketches, each labeled with a specific category or prompt.
  • Gmaillm: Using LLM to interact with emails.


Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
Nov 07, 2015 A long announcement with details
Oct 22, 2015 A simple inline announcement.

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